Hey friends,
I bet you have seen everything - the good, the bad, the ugly - when it comes to non-profit boards. We will have lots of time to discuss issues and challenges in non-profit governance and board effectiveness, but first! Let's take a few minutes to discuss the characteristics of great non-profit boards.
What have seen that you believe are the most important ingredients for great non-profit board work? I'll go first...
Key Ingredients for a Strong Non-Profit Board of Directors
The board is crystal clear about its purpose, and the role it plays.
Directors that are comfortable and knowledgeable about their role, and ability to probe.
A board and CEO that are clear on the complementary nature of their roles - that is, the board governs and oversees, while the management manages the organization.
An active and visionary senior management team, which demonstrates its competency by 'serving up' the right level of information and brings insights to the board
Strong and confident leadership from the board chair or board president, enabling it to set the tone and lead the board in its discussions.
Directors that all have basic financial literacy and know how to read financial statements.
Efficient board processes and management reporting that does the job, without adding unnecessary administrative headaches.
What else? Let us know what you think by commenting below.